2014-10-09T00:03:57Z Bicyclidine quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) 2014-10-09T00:05:32Z irsol quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) 2014-10-09T00:11:10Z irsol joined #sbcl 2014-10-09T01:26:18Z slyrus joined #sbcl 2014-10-09T01:39:17Z slyrus quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) 2014-10-09T02:38:52Z christoph_debian quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) 2014-10-09T02:52:21Z christoph_debian joined #sbcl 2014-10-09T02:54:28Z carvite_ joined #sbcl 2014-10-09T03:40:52Z scymtym quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) 2014-10-09T03:47:22Z fridim__ quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) 2014-10-09T04:16:42Z gingerale joined #sbcl 2014-10-09T04:25:13Z slyrus_ joined #sbcl 2014-10-09T04:29:00Z nyef quit (Quit: G'night all) 2014-10-09T04:32:37Z karswell quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) 2014-10-09T04:47:45Z gingerale quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) 2014-10-09T04:50:08Z slyrus joined #sbcl 2014-10-09T05:01:41Z oleo__ joined #sbcl 2014-10-09T05:03:07Z oleo is now known as Guest87600 2014-10-09T05:03:32Z Guest87600 quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) 2014-10-09T05:27:33Z pranavrc joined #sbcl 2014-10-09T05:45:10Z oleo__ quit (Quit: Verlassend) 2014-10-09T06:02:53Z prxq joined #sbcl 2014-10-09T06:51:16Z edgar-rft joined #sbcl 2014-10-09T07:11:32Z attila_lendvai joined #sbcl 2014-10-09T07:20:02Z angavrilov joined #sbcl 2014-10-09T07:26:38Z fridim_ joined #sbcl 2014-10-09T08:00:35Z DGASAU quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) 2014-10-09T08:01:15Z DGASAU` joined #sbcl 2014-10-09T08:02:24Z ams joined #sbcl 2014-10-09T08:05:10Z DGASAU` is now known as DGASAU 2014-10-09T08:07:32Z scymtym joined #sbcl 2014-10-09T09:20:41Z DGASAU quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) 2014-10-09T09:21:20Z DGASAU joined #sbcl 2014-10-09T10:06:33Z DGASAU quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) 2014-10-09T10:07:10Z DGASAU joined #sbcl 2014-10-09T10:10:17Z scymtym quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) 2014-10-09T11:00:05Z Krystof: (push (eval `(eval `(list ...)))) ; argh 2014-10-09T11:01:14Z ams: pretty 2014-10-09T11:01:14Z flip214: what in C gets called a three-star-programmer, is in lisp a three-backquote or double-eval programmer ... 2014-10-09T11:01:31Z ams: thee backquotes ain't that bad .. 2014-10-09T11:02:00Z Krystof: this insanity leads to CACHED-FUN--MOV[(SIMPLE-DIR ((OP 40) (IMM NIL TYPE (QUOTE IMM-ADDR))) (QUASIQUOTE (NAME TAB #S(SB!IMPL::COMMA :EXPR (SWAP-IF # # , #) :KIND 0))))]-SIMPLE-DIR-PRINTER 2014-10-09T11:02:48Z scymtym joined #sbcl 2014-10-09T11:10:04Z |3b| would say number of , is the problem, not number of ` 2014-10-09T11:14:09Z stassats joined #sbcl 2014-10-09T11:21:50Z flip214: |3b|: number of , is limited by number of ` 2014-10-09T11:23:07Z |3b|: flip214: right, but single , are usually pretty obvious even if deeply nested in ` 2014-10-09T11:24:04Z flip214: yeah, right. 2014-10-09T11:47:03Z psy_ quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) 2014-10-09T11:51:09Z attila_lendvai quit (Quit: Leaving.) 2014-10-09T11:51:20Z attila_lendvai joined #sbcl 2014-10-09T11:51:20Z attila_lendvai quit (Changing host) 2014-10-09T11:51:20Z attila_lendvai joined #sbcl 2014-10-09T12:20:27Z alchemis7 left #sbcl 2014-10-09T12:20:27Z alchemis7 joined #sbcl 2014-10-09T12:40:38Z eudoxia joined #sbcl 2014-10-09T13:38:03Z loke_ joined #sbcl 2014-10-09T13:42:28Z oleo joined #sbcl 2014-10-09T13:44:26Z flip214: christoph_debian: thanks for 1.2.4! 2014-10-09T13:46:05Z pranavrc quit 2014-10-09T14:06:34Z stassats: unexpect forwarding pointer in scavenge: 0x102b5c80a0, start=0x102b5c8000, n=2101250 caught alive 2014-10-09T14:13:25Z stassats: http://paste.lisp.org/display/143983 2014-10-09T14:16:32Z stassats: so, all those are lists 2014-10-09T14:18:40Z stassats: from scavenge_newspace_generation_one_scan(1) 2014-10-09T14:23:22Z krzysz00 quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) 2014-10-09T14:25:09Z stassats: and there was a fault at 15 2014-10-09T14:28:03Z stassats: and that would be output-ugly-object 2014-10-09T14:36:43Z stassats: seems to die at (sb!kernel::undefined-classoid-p (layout-classoid (layout-of object))) 2014-10-09T14:36:51Z stassats: specifically, layout-classoid 2014-10-09T14:36:59Z stassats: i presume that layout-of returns garbage 2014-10-09T14:39:44Z stassats: actually, that would be sb!kernel::undefined-classoid-p 2014-10-09T14:39:52Z stassats: dies at MOV RAX, [RBX+5] 2014-10-09T14:39:56Z stassats: so, RBX is 10 2014-10-09T14:40:12Z stassats: layout-classoid returns 10? huh 2014-10-09T14:43:30Z eudoxia_ joined #sbcl 2014-10-09T14:43:50Z stassats: or a fixnum 5 2014-10-09T14:46:53Z eudoxia quit (Ping timeout: 258 seconds) 2014-10-09T14:59:01Z stassats: so, it has an instance pointer with type NIL 2014-10-09T14:59:19Z stassats: the list pointed by the forwarding pointer 2014-10-09T15:00:45Z stassats: probably the memfault is not the cause 2014-10-09T15:02:05Z gingerale joined #sbcl 2014-10-09T15:03:30Z Guest19548 is now known as pkhuong 2014-10-09T15:11:07Z eudoxia_ quit (Quit: Lost terminal) 2014-10-09T15:21:31Z DGASAU quit (Remote host closed the connection) 2014-10-09T15:23:32Z DGASAU joined #sbcl 2014-10-09T15:34:29Z attila_lendvai quit (Quit: Leaving.) 2014-10-09T15:41:40Z attila_lendvai joined #sbcl 2014-10-09T15:55:10Z rpg joined #sbcl 2014-10-09T15:59:43Z attila_lendvai quit (Quit: Leaving.) 2014-10-09T16:08:54Z krzysz00 joined #sbcl 2014-10-09T16:10:21Z milanj joined #sbcl 2014-10-09T16:12:58Z hlavaty joined #sbcl 2014-10-09T16:19:42Z slyrus quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds) 2014-10-09T16:22:52Z fridim_ quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) 2014-10-09T16:26:31Z reb: stassats: There seems to be a bug in the deftransform for concatenate. Is there an easy way for me to hand a form to the compiler and have it print what it transforms into? 2014-10-09T16:26:50Z stassats: not really 2014-10-09T16:27:04Z stassats: at least i'm unaware of such a thing 2014-10-09T16:27:23Z stassats: you can just show the code where it fails 2014-10-09T16:28:54Z loke_ quit (Remote host closed the connection) 2014-10-09T16:29:05Z fikusz quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) 2014-10-09T16:29:08Z reb: (defun foo () (declare (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0))) (concatenate 'string "a" "b")) 2014-10-09T16:29:31Z stassats: indeed 2014-10-09T16:30:02Z reb: I think it's something wrong with FIRST-CONSTANTS in the loop .... 2014-10-09T16:36:35Z stassats: reb: got it fixed, gotta it run through a build. thanks 2014-10-09T16:40:43Z reb: great! 2014-10-09T16:41:50Z reb: There's a Launchpad bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/sbcl/+bug/1334794 2014-10-09T16:42:45Z fikusz joined #sbcl 2014-10-09T16:44:46Z |3b| runs out of stack compiling a 512 element LIST form in a LET with lots of variables 2014-10-09T16:47:22Z milanj quit (Quit: Leaving) 2014-10-09T16:54:15Z |3b| tried to simplify it and simplified version was up to 5gb before i killed it :p 2014-10-09T16:55:19Z |3b|: and that was before it even figured out i used LET instead of LET* so most of the variables were undefined 2014-10-09T16:55:41Z stassats: easy, just don't use such large lets 2014-10-09T16:56:05Z |3b|: well, it is slow just compiling the list form (~20 sec) 2014-10-09T16:56:42Z stassats: or the list form 2014-10-09T16:56:47Z eudoxia joined #sbcl 2014-10-09T16:56:48Z stassats: i can imagine what it compiles down to 2014-10-09T16:56:59Z |3b| supposes i could add a pass to figure out how many variable are actually live and only generate that many variables 2014-10-09T16:57:28Z |3b|: not that i really care about evaluating it with SBCL anyway though 2014-10-09T16:57:38Z krzysz00 quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) 2014-10-09T16:57:47Z |3b|: but would still be nice to be able to evaluate it for comparison 2014-10-09T16:59:40Z |3b|: more specifically, seems to be a list with a bunch of arguments that are calls to a local function, with different arguments each time 2014-10-09T17:01:57Z |3b|: is RBP the stack on x8664? 2014-10-09T17:02:27Z stassats: the frame pointer 2014-10-09T17:03:16Z stassats: but yeah, it's how the stack is accessed 2014-10-09T17:04:37Z stassats: ok, concatenate committed, now i can go home 2014-10-09T17:09:56Z stassats quit (Quit: ERC Version 5.3 (IRC client for Emacs)) 2014-10-09T17:10:40Z eudoxia quit (Quit: Lost terminal) 2014-10-09T17:17:12Z attila_lendvai joined #sbcl 2014-10-09T17:17:12Z attila_lendvai quit (Changing host) 2014-10-09T17:17:12Z attila_lendvai joined #sbcl 2014-10-09T17:22:14Z attila_lendvai quit (Quit: Leaving.) 2014-10-09T17:22:23Z oleo is now known as Guest14836 2014-10-09T17:23:15Z oleo__ joined #sbcl 2014-10-09T17:26:25Z Guest14836 quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) 2014-10-09T17:28:37Z psy joined #sbcl 2014-10-09T17:29:03Z psy_ joined #sbcl 2014-10-09T17:29:19Z psy quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) 2014-10-09T17:48:12Z rpg quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) 2014-10-09T18:05:46Z Bicyclidine joined #sbcl 2014-10-09T18:19:24Z gingerale quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) 2014-10-09T18:23:27Z slyrus joined #sbcl 2014-10-09T18:26:44Z slyrus__ joined #sbcl 2014-10-09T18:28:32Z slyrus quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) 2014-10-09T18:28:38Z slyrus__ is now known as slyrus 2014-10-09T18:44:16Z reb: stassats: Thanks!! 2014-10-09T18:52:51Z pkhuong: http://randomascii.wordpress.com/2014/10/09/intel-underestimates-error-bounds-by-1-3-quintillion/ <- great. time to drop the x87 stuff? 2014-10-09T18:53:11Z Bicyclidine quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) 2014-10-09T18:57:55Z ekinmur joined #sbcl 2014-10-09T18:59:54Z Krystof: meh, it's only an american quintillion 2014-10-09T19:06:16Z slyrus__ joined #sbcl 2014-10-09T19:06:32Z Hache_ joined #sbcl 2014-10-09T19:07:03Z krzysz00 joined #sbcl 2014-10-09T19:07:52Z slyrus quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) 2014-10-09T19:08:14Z slyrus__ is now known as slyrus 2014-10-09T19:10:22Z DGASAU quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) 2014-10-09T19:13:41Z slyrus__ joined #sbcl 2014-10-09T19:14:39Z DGASAU joined #sbcl 2014-10-09T19:14:43Z slyrus quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) 2014-10-09T19:15:04Z slyrus__ is now known as slyrus 2014-10-09T19:29:32Z edgar-rft quit (Quit: session corrupted into paranoid bleeding) 2014-10-09T19:41:09Z rpg joined #sbcl 2014-10-09T19:44:21Z attila_lendvai joined #sbcl 2014-10-09T19:45:52Z angavrilov quit (Remote host closed the connection) 2014-10-09T19:49:45Z scymtym_ joined #sbcl 2014-10-09T19:53:46Z rpg quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds) 2014-10-09T20:05:48Z Bike quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) 2014-10-09T20:08:29Z attila_lendvai quit (Quit: Leaving.) 2014-10-09T20:13:56Z rpg joined #sbcl 2014-10-09T20:16:33Z krzysz00 quit (Ping timeout: 258 seconds) 2014-10-09T20:30:25Z Bike joined #sbcl 2014-10-09T20:31:27Z Hache_ quit (Remote host closed the connection) 2014-10-09T20:32:34Z attila_lendvai joined #sbcl 2014-10-09T20:32:34Z attila_lendvai quit (Changing host) 2014-10-09T20:32:34Z attila_lendvai joined #sbcl 2014-10-09T20:40:04Z slyrus quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) 2014-10-09T20:42:48Z slyrus__ joined #sbcl 2014-10-09T20:44:11Z slyrus__ is now known as slyrus 2014-10-09T20:45:00Z rpg quit (Quit: rpg) 2014-10-09T20:58:27Z krzysz00 joined #sbcl 2014-10-09T21:08:50Z ebrasca joined #sbcl 2014-10-09T21:12:12Z ebrasca quit (Client Quit) 2014-10-09T21:23:58Z ekinmur quit 2014-10-09T21:24:25Z milosn quit (Remote host closed the connection) 2014-10-09T21:25:55Z milosn joined #sbcl 2014-10-09T21:29:57Z karswell joined #sbcl 2014-10-09T22:04:02Z irsol quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) 2014-10-09T22:04:39Z slyrus__ joined #sbcl 2014-10-09T22:06:34Z slyrus quit (Ping timeout: 258 seconds) 2014-10-09T22:06:54Z slyrus__ is now known as slyrus 2014-10-09T22:12:52Z irsol joined #sbcl 2014-10-09T22:17:45Z slyrus__ joined #sbcl 2014-10-09T22:19:10Z attila_lendvai quit (Quit: Leaving.) 2014-10-09T22:19:48Z slyrus quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds) 2014-10-09T22:19:55Z slyrus__ is now known as slyrus 2014-10-09T22:37:06Z prxq quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) 2014-10-09T22:42:36Z slyrus quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) 2014-10-09T23:05:28Z carvite_ quit (Quit: leaving) 2014-10-09T23:06:28Z carvite_ joined #sbcl 2014-10-09T23:07:05Z carvite_ quit (Client Quit) 2014-10-09T23:08:25Z carvite quit (Remote host closed the connection) 2014-10-09T23:08:59Z carvite joined #sbcl 2014-10-09T23:13:23Z ehaliewicz joined #sbcl 2014-10-09T23:14:58Z aldo joined #sbcl 2014-10-09T23:15:02Z aldo: hi :) 2014-10-09T23:23:48Z carvite quit (Remote host closed the connection) 2014-10-09T23:24:26Z carvite joined #sbcl 2014-10-09T23:30:11Z ehaliewicz quit (Quit: ERC Version 5.3 (IRC client for Emacs))