00:18:09 -!- milanj [n=milan@] has quit ["Leaving"] 03:02:33 palter [n=palter@c-65-96-32-204.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ccl 03:06:43 clop2 [n=jared@99-23-192-153.lightspeed.austtx.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ccl 03:07:15 hi, i think i want to add a web server to my ccl program... are there any options besides rolling my own (which probably isn't that bad)? 03:07:42 clop2: A ton. Hunchentoot is pretty popular. 03:08:13 thanks, i'm not even quite sure how to start researching the options :) 03:08:48 one thing i'm concerned about is that the GC might make it unresponsive sometimes 03:08:54 it'd be for an intranet application 03:09:12 a lot easier to just be able to query the Lisp process than exporting stuff into some database 03:10:52 billstclai [n=billstcl@gw3.tacwap.org] has joined #ccl 03:11:03 -!- billstclair [n=billstcl@unaffiliated/billstclair] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)] 03:11:22 clop2: step 1: svn co http://bknr.net/svn/ediware /usr/local/src/ediware 03:11:26 rme pasted "init file fragment" at http://paste.lisp.org/display/93979 03:11:33 step2: see paste 03:11:41 -!- billstclai is now known as billstclair 03:12:01 step 3: start ccl, (asdf:oos 'asdf:load-op :hunchentoot) 03:12:02 done 03:12:17 (well, I skipped the "write your web stuff" part) 03:12:52 thanks 03:13:01 i'll try to read through all of this stuff 03:17:36 this looks great, thanks guys! 03:25:07 hrmn, the asdf page seems to suggest that (require 'asdf) is all I need, but that says module asdf not provided by any function on *module-provider-functions*... should I get it from their git repository instead? 03:32:43 asdf is bundled with ccl. (see ccl:tools;asdf.lisp). You should be able to start ccl and type (require 'asdf) and have it work. 03:36:00 alms [n=alms@146-115-42-237.c3-0.bkl-ubr1.sbo-bkl.ma.cable.rcn.com] has joined #ccl 03:36:09 hrmn, yeah I have tools/asdf.lisp, could it be because I've moved the ccl executable, perhaps? 03:37:59 If (probe-file "ccl:") doesn't the path to your ccl directory, then that's the trouble. 03:39:37 Why not customize ccl:scripts;ccl64 and copy it wherever you want it? 03:39:53 ah yeah, that's giving me the directory where the lx86cl64.image is, but i'd moved it into a local disk instead of the nfs where I checked out ccl to 03:41:33 it's fine to put the image wherever you want, but you need to set the environment variable CCL_DEFAULT_DIRECTORY in that case (as the example script does). 03:41:50 rgr... i had been setting it, but to the directory where the image lives. that's probably wrong :D 03:51:03 thanks, got that all worked out now with our build scripts 04:05:02 so ccl has asdf and asdf-install built in? is there a typical palce to use for the asdf "central registry"? 04:08:20 I'm an asdf caveman, so I don't really know if there are any widely-used conventions. 04:18:38 -!- palter [palter@clozure-BB1CFD88.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has quit [Quit: palter] 04:18:38 -!- palter [n=palter@c-65-96-32-204.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has quit [] 05:08:02 lpolzer__ [n=lpolzer@dslb-088-073-197-130.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ccl 05:10:01 -!- Modius [n=Modius@cpe-70-123-130-159.austin.res.rr.com] has quit ["I'm big in Japan"] 05:23:46 -!- lpolzer_ [n=lpolzer@dslb-088-073-242-221.pools.arcor-ip.net] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)] 05:34:08 -!- rme [rme@clozure-51821EF0.chi.dsl-w.verizon.net] has quit [Quit: rme] 05:34:09 -!- rme [n=rme@pool-70-104-120-122.chi.dsl-w.verizon.net] has quit [] 06:08:00 -!- clop2 [n=jared@99-23-192-153.lightspeed.austtx.sbcglobal.net] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)] 07:58:07 -!- Adlai [n=Adlai@unaffiliated/adlai] has quit ["out"] 08:58:20 lispm [n=joswig@dialbs-213-023-246-061.static.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ccl 09:00:37 Puppster [n=jared@99-23-192-153.lightspeed.austtx.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ccl 09:15:52 -!- Puppster [n=jared@99-23-192-153.lightspeed.austtx.sbcglobal.net] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)] 09:29:28 Adlai [n=adlai@unaffiliated/adlai] has joined #ccl 10:36:07 Adlai`` [n=adlai@93-173-180-175.bb.netvision.net.il] has joined #ccl 10:38:58 -!- Adlai [n=adlai@unaffiliated/adlai] has quit [Nick collision from services.] 10:39:28 -!- Adlai`` is now known as Adlai 10:42:30 -!- Adlai [n=adlai@unaffiliated/adlai] has quit ["ERC Version 5.3 (IRC client for Emacs)"] 10:42:57 Adlai [n=adlai@unaffiliated/adlai] has joined #ccl 11:20:19 palter [n=palter@c-65-96-32-204.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ccl 11:39:24 -!- lispm [n=joswig@dialbs-213-023-246-061.static.arcor-ip.net] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)] 12:12:30 -!- Adlai [n=adlai@unaffiliated/adlai] has quit [jordan.freenode.net irc.freenode.net] 12:12:44 Adlai [n=adlai@unaffiliated/adlai] has joined #ccl 12:23:28 addled [n=adl@88.Red-80-26-102.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ccl 12:31:43 -!- Adlai [n=adlai@unaffiliated/adlai] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)] 12:34:47 tfb [n=tfb@] has joined #ccl 12:45:54 lispm [n=joswig@dialbs-213-023-246-061.static.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ccl 13:38:35 -!- albino [n=albino@] has quit [jordan.freenode.net irc.freenode.net] 13:38:35 -!- bfulgham [n=brent@wsip-72-215-191-226.sb.sd.cox.net] has quit [jordan.freenode.net irc.freenode.net] 13:38:35 -!- chandler [n=n@opendarwin/developer/chandler] has quit [jordan.freenode.net irc.freenode.net] 13:38:37 chandler_ [n=n@new.unmutual.info] has joined #ccl 13:38:45 albino [n=albino@] has joined #ccl 13:39:02 -!- chandler_ is now known as Guest71350 13:47:26 clop: I just discovered clbuild. Works very well for the systems it knows about. Before that, I always created a "systems" directory as a sibling to my app dir, and wrote some startup code to add systems/* to asdf:*central-registry* 13:47:27 http://github.com/billstclair/trubanc-lisp/blob/master/trubanc-loader.lisp 13:48:31 hey thanks, i'll take a look 13:48:50 i had played with it enough last night to figure out how to install a few packages 13:49:33 i think i'm taking a pretty similar approach, just putting the packages next to my own lisp code 13:50:21 For Trubanc, I saved all the systems I use in my own GIT repository. Saves having to download them again 13:50:33 And includes versions known to work together 13:51:07 yeah, that sound very appealing since then my co-workers won't have to do anything special, just update 13:51:14 yep 13:51:35 I've never used asdf-install 13:51:40 Some love it, though 13:52:32 it was pretty confusing at first, maybe partially because i haven't used gpg before and they seem to think i'm an expert at it :D 13:53:09 I'm pretty sure you can ignore the GPG signatures, if you're the trusting sort 13:53:27 Viruses or Trojans in Lisp source code? I doubt it 13:54:24 heh... pretty sure everything i've ever written in lisp can be considered a trojan :D 13:54:30 heh 14:08:30 -!- palter [palter@clozure-BB1CFD88.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has quit [Quit: palter] 14:08:30 -!- palter [n=palter@c-65-96-32-204.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has quit [] 14:27:52 joswig [n=joswig@dialbs-213-023-246-061.static.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ccl 14:28:00 -!- lispm [n=joswig@dialbs-213-023-246-061.static.arcor-ip.net] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)] 14:46:46 -!- joswig [n=joswig@dialbs-213-023-246-061.static.arcor-ip.net] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)] 14:55:32 anRch [n=markmill@] has joined #ccl 15:13:58 -!- Guest71350 is now known as chandler 15:16:57 hi, getting an error with (rebuild-ccl :full t :verbose t) on a fresh ccl checkout, it says constant max-1-bit-constant-index is already defined with a different value 68719476544 and is trying to be defined with new value 17179869136 15:18:11 this is on lx86cl64, svn checkout from trunk 15:34:32 Adlai [n=Adlai@unaffiliated/adlai] has joined #ccl 16:09:54 -!- anRch [n=markmill@] has quit [Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)] 16:24:38 ermn, never mind, i think i must have had something screwy in my environment... 16:41:52 milanj [n=milan@] has joined #ccl 17:28:33 rme [n=rme@pool-70-104-120-122.chi.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ccl 17:30:29 clop: That redefinition warning is expected (I changed that constant recently). Just type ":go" to continue. 17:35:27 bfulgham [n=brent@wsip-72-215-191-226.sb.sd.cox.net] has joined #ccl 17:43:19 -!- bfulgham [n=brent@wsip-72-215-191-226.sb.sd.cox.net] has quit [] 18:02:50 lispm [n=joswig@] has joined #ccl 18:04:39 -!- lispm [n=joswig@] has quit [Remote closed the connection] 18:07:32 bfulgham [n=brent@wsip-72-215-191-226.sb.sd.cox.net] has joined #ccl 18:24:51 -!- Adlai [n=Adlai@unaffiliated/adlai] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)] 18:31:07 -!- tfb [n=tfb@] has quit [Connection timed out] 19:16:40 dotplus [n=dotplus@unaffiliated/dotplus] has joined #ccl 19:20:35 tfb [n=tfb@restormel.cley.com] has joined #ccl 20:13:18 leo2007 [n=leo@cpc2-cmbg15-2-0-cust694.5-4.cable.virginmedia.com] has joined #ccl 20:14:25 -!- tfb [n=tfb@restormel.cley.com] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)] 20:16:05 Modius [n=Modius@cpe-70-123-130-159.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #ccl 20:33:43 gb_ [n=gb@c-68-35-15-143.hsd1.nm.comcast.net] has joined #ccl 20:33:43 gb__ [n=gb@c-68-35-15-143.hsd1.nm.comcast.net] has joined #ccl 20:33:46 -!- gb__ [gb@clozure-FBC476A8.hsd1.nm.comcast.net] has quit [Input/output error] 20:33:47 -!- gb_ [n=gb@c-68-35-15-143.hsd1.nm.comcast.net] has quit [Client Quit] 20:33:51 -!- gb__ [n=gb@c-68-35-15-143.hsd1.nm.comcast.net] has quit [Client Quit] 20:48:17 Adlai [n=Adlai@unaffiliated/adlai] has joined #ccl 21:39:18 tfb [n=tfb@restormel.cley.com] has joined #ccl 22:02:39 -!- Adlai [n=Adlai@unaffiliated/adlai] has quit [Read error: 113 (No route to host)] 23:02:49 Adlai [n=adlai@unaffiliated/adlai] has joined #ccl 23:07:58 -!- tfb [n=tfb@restormel.cley.com] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)] 23:38:44 palter [n=palter@c-65-96-32-204.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ccl