00:56:51 sellout [n=greg@c-24-128-50-176.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ccl 00:57:16 rme [n=rme@pool-70-105-124-254.chi.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ccl 00:58:35 -!- rme_ [n=rme@pool-70-105-127-44.chi.dsl-w.verizon.net] has quit [Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)] 01:04:47 -!- rme [n=rme@pool-70-105-124-254.chi.dsl-w.verizon.net] has quit [] 01:16:47 rme [n=rme@pool-70-105-124-254.chi.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ccl 03:39:02 bfulgham_ [n=brent@adsl-69-234-98-14.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ccl 03:58:37 gbyers: are you around? 04:09:00 nobody here but us chickens 04:36:33 alms_ [n=alms@209-150-48-250.c3-0.bkl-ubr1.sbo-bkl.ma.cable.rcn.com] has joined #ccl 04:53:04 -!- alms [n=alms@209-150-48-250.c3-0.bkl-ubr1.sbo-bkl.ma.cable.rcn.com] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)] 07:23:03 -!- rme [n=rme@pool-70-105-124-254.chi.dsl-w.verizon.net] has quit [] 10:41:17 milanj [n=milan@] has joined #ccl 11:17:22 -!- billstclair [n=billstcl@unaffiliated/billstclair] has quit [] 11:58:51 hypno [n=hypno@] has joined #ccl 12:25:41 i've looked at the opengl example and it works great. according to the documentation the ffi use the .cdb files generated from the system headers. are these files fairly complete wrt to opengl? 12:50:40 billstclair [n=billstcl@dsl-65-219-214-24.taconic.net] has joined #ccl 13:25:01 hypno: yes. 13:25:42 gbyers: most excellent. thanks. 16:49:20 the ffi documentation says you should invoke HEADER/foo/C/populate.sh and then rebuild with (PARSE-STANDARD-FFI-FILES :SUBDIR). however the gl/C/populate.sh file do not run to completion? i get a shitload of errors? 16:49:40 what errors? 16:50:09 now, the gl stuff works just fine for me, but i am trying to create a database file for GLFW, so i tryied to follow the instruction for the gl module. 16:51:09 and what errors do you get ? 16:52:05 gbyers: 16:52:55 "not found" 16:53:13 err, sorry. -> 16:56:38 If you invoke the ffigen binary (wherever it's installed) with the --version argument, what does it return ? 16:57:05 ffigen: Invalid option `--version' 16:57:58 Hmm. Where did that binary come from ? 16:58:21 um, from the clozure ftp i believe. 2 sec i'll dig out a reference. 16:58:35 http://ccl.clozure.com/ccl-documentation.html#The-Interface-Translator 16:59:31 ftp://clozure.com/pub/ffigen-darwin.tar.gz 16:59:33 Ah. We should update the docs. See http://trac.clozure.com/openmcl/wiki/BuildFFIGEN 17:01:01 If that's a little unclear, you want to build the Leopard version. 17:01:30 ok. doesnt matter that i have tiger tho, right? 17:01:59 I don't think so, no. 17:02:11 Just a sec. 17:02:42 rme [n=rme@pool-70-105-124-254.chi.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ccl 17:05:08 the svn repo doesnt like the checkout mentioned in the wiki there. 17:05:14 "svn: Could not open the requested SVN filesystem" 17:07:43 hypno: I just typed "svn co http://svn.clozure.com/publicsvn/openmcl/release/1.3/darwinx86/ccl", and it worked. 17:08:53 rme: svn co http://svn.clozure.com/publicsvn/branches/ffigen-apple-gcc-6465/ffigen4 17:09:07 not quite the same, i'm afraid. :) 17:09:51 er, sorry. I came in late; I didn't notice you were talking about ffigen. 17:13:20 what a mess; bad URL. Fixed on that page now. 17:13:55 gbyers: alexander repenning posted some source code to the list a few days ago. in that code there is an "Opengl-interface.lisp" file with functions that pretty much wraps around the reader prefixes. those functions might be worth mentioning in the wiki if the license is ok (he doesnt say what license). 17:14:34 I think it's easier to just use reader macros, personally. 17:16:20 well, i partly agree. i sort of like the #_ffiLand convention (this highlight watchouts!), but #$CONSTANT feels a bit like a hassle. 17:17:18 anyways, i am doing the checkout now. i'll report back if it all goes well. thanks. :) 18:21:16 -!- billstclair [n=billstcl@unaffiliated/billstclair] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)] 18:42:23 Modius_ [n=Modius@adsl-68-92-148-234.dsl.austtx.swbell.net] has joined #ccl 18:42:25 gbyers: muhah! i got ffigen compiled and i also runned CCL::PARSE-STANDARD-FFI-FILES and got my .cdb files. :D 18:42:43 Alright! 18:43:33 the documentation sort of assumes that PARSE* are available. if it explicitly says ccl::parse... no debugger is needed. 18:44:11 I don't understand. 18:44:44 anyway, i must say this system is immensly much easier than anything else i've tryied (granted that the ffis work, which i havent tryied yet ;). 18:46:21 It's pretty accurate, too; GCC knows all about alignment and other obscure details that are hard to get right if you translate things by hand. 18:47:38 18:47:49 Modius__ [n=Modius@adsl-68-92-148-234.dsl.austtx.swbell.net] has joined #ccl 18:48:04 what i mean is that it may not be obious for a newbie that he should apropos his way around this and find the function... 18:48:18 (require "PARSE-FFI") first. 18:48:59 makes no difference. 18:50:02 I don't understand that. If you do the REQUIRE, the function CCL::PARSE-STANDARD-FFI-FILES should be defined, right ? 18:50:07 PARSE-STANDARD-FFI-FILES is internal in the ccl package. 18:50:35 yupp. 18:51:05 Ah; the documentation doesn't use the CCL:: prefix. Will fix, thanks. 18:51:32 :) 18:52:41 You can also just start a lisp and do (ccl:create-interfaces :glfw); that will run everything for you. 18:54:40 -!- Modius_ [n=Modius@adsl-68-92-148-234.dsl.austtx.swbell.net] has quit [Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)] 18:59:27 -!- Modius [n=Modius@adsl-68-92-148-234.dsl.austtx.swbell.net] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)] 19:06:26 -!- Modius__ is now known as Modius 19:08:20 gbyers: what does that do that the parse-thing doesnt? 19:09:20 It runs the h-to-ffi script for you, then requires PARSE-FFI and runs it. 19:09:30 ah, i see. 19:10:06 the library i am playing with ended up beeing libglfw.a instead of a .dylib, will this be a problem? 19:10:38 that's a static library. 19:11:54 I'd have to assume that building glfw produces a .dylib as well. 19:12:58 ah, yes, sorry. the makefile didnt just install it. ok. 19:49:59 ;;; # requires access to Shared Terminal Input 19:50:43 i am not quite sure i understand that. is the thread i am making trying to take over the input of the entire lisp? 19:51:01 if so, is it possible to set up "local" input terminals for that thread? 20:37:32 see section 6.5 of manual 22:42:55 -!- milanj [n=milan@] has quit ["Leaving"] 23:49:02 -!- Modius [n=Modius@adsl-68-92-148-234.dsl.austtx.swbell.net] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]