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Chapter 8. Running Other Programs as Subprocesses

8.4. External-Program Dictionary


run-program program args &key (wait t) pty sharing input if-input-does-not-exist output (if-output-exists :error) (error :output) (if-error-exists :error) status-hook external-format
Invokes an external program as an OS subprocess of lisp.

Arguments and Values:

program---A string or pathname which denotes an executable file. The PATH environment variable is used to find programs whose name doesn't contain a directory component.

args---A list of simple-strings

wait---Indicates whether or not run-program should wait for the EXTERNAL-PROCESS to complete or should return immediately.

pty---This option is accepted but currently ignored; it's intended to make it easier to run external programs that need to interact with a terminal device.

sharing---Sets a specific sharing mode (see :SHARING) for any streams created within RUN-PROGRAM when INPUT, OUTPUT or ERROR are requested to be a :STREAM.

input---Selects the input source used by the EXTERNAL-PROCESS. May be any of the following:

  • NIL Specifies that a null input stream (e.g., /dev/null) should be used.

  • T Specifies that the EXTERNAL-PROCESS should use the input source with which Clozure CL was invoked.

  • A string or pathname. Specifies that the EXTERNAL-PROCESS should receive its input from the named existing file.

  • :STREAM Creates a Lisp stream opened for character output. Any data written to this stream (accessible as the EXTERNAL-PROCESS-INPUT-STREAM of the EXTERNAL-PROCESS object) appears as input to the external process.

  • A stream. Specifies that the lisp stream should provide input to the EXTERNAL-PROCESS.

if-input-does-not-exist---If the input argument specifies the name of an existing file, this argument is used as the if-does-not-exist argument to OPEN when that file is opened.

output---Specifies where standard output from the external process should be sent. Analogous to input above.

if-output-exists---If output is specified as a string or pathname, this argument is used as the if-exists argument to OPEN when that file is opened.

error---Specifies where error output from the external process should be sent. In addition to the values allowed for output, the keyword :OUTPUT can be used to indicate that error output should be sent where standard output goes.

if-error-exists---Analogous to if-output-exists.

status-hook---A user-defined function of one argument (the EXTERNAL-PROCESS structure.) This function is called whenever Clozure CL detects a change in the status of the EXTERNAL-PROCESS.

external-format--- The external format (see Section 4.5.2, “External Formats”) for all of the streams (input, output, and error) used to communicate with the external process.


Runs the specified program in an external (Unix) process, returning an object of type EXTERNAL-PROCESS if successful.


signal-external-process proc signal-number

Arguments and Values:

proc---An EXTERNAL-PROCESS, as returned by RUN-PROGRAM.

signal---A small integer.


Sends the specified "signal" to the specified external process. (Typically, it would only be useful to call this function if the EXTERNAL-PROCESS was created with :WAIT NIL. ) Returns T if successful; signals an error otherwise.


external-process-id proc
Returns the "process ID" of an OS subprocess, a positive integer which identifies it.

Arguments and Values:

proc---An EXTERNAL-PROCESS, as returned by RUN-PROGRAM.


Returns the process id assigned to the external process by the operating system. This is typically a positive, 16-bit number.


external-process-input-stream proc
Returns the lisp stream which is used to write input to a given OS subprocess, if it has one.

Arguments and Values:

proc---An EXTERNAL-PROCESS, as returned by RUN-PROGRAM.


Returns the stream created when the input argument to run-program is specified as :STREAM.


external-process-output-stream proc
Returns the lisp stream which is used to read output from an OS subprocess, if there is one.

Arguments and Values:

proc---An EXTERNAL-PROCESS, as returned by RUN-PROGRAM.


Returns the stream created when the output argument to run-program is specified as :STREAM.


external-process-error-stream proc
Returns the stream which is used to read "error" output from a given OS subprocess, if it has one.

Arguments and Values:

proc---An EXTERNAL-PROCESS, as returned by RUN-PROGRAM.


Returns the stream created when the error argument to run-program is specified as :STREAM.


external-process-status proc
Returns information about whether an OS subprocess is running; or, if not, why not; and what its result code was if it completed.

Arguments and Values:

proc---An EXTERNAL-PROCESS, as returned by RUN-PROGRAM.


Returns, as multiple values, a keyword denoting the status of the external process (one of :running, :stopped, :signaled, or :exited), and the exit code or terminating signal if the first value is other than :running.

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