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Chapter 7. Programming with Threads

7.6. The Threads which Clozure CL Uses for Its Own Purposes

In the "tty world", Clozure CL starts out with 2 lisp-level threads:

? :proc
1 : -> listener     [Active]
0 :    Initial      [Active]

If you look at a running Clozure CL with a debugging tool, such as GDB, or Apple's Thread, you'll see an additional kernel-level thread on Darwin; this is used by the Mach exception-handling mechanism.

The initial thread, conveniently named "initial", is the one that was created by the operating system when it launched Clozure CL. It maps the heap image into memory, does some Lisp-level initialization, and, when the Cocoa IDE isn't being used, creates the thread "listener", which runs the top-level loop that reads input, evaluates it, and prints the result.

After the listener thread is created, the initial thread does "housekeeping": it sits in a loop, sleeping most of the time and waking up occasionally to do "periodic tasks". These tasks include forcing output on specified interactive streams, checking for and handling control-C interrupts, etc. Currently, those tasks also include polling for the exit status of external processes and handling some kinds of I/O to and from those processes.

In this environment, the initial thread does these "housekeeping" activities as necessary, until ccl:quit is called; quitting interrupts the initial thread, which then ends all other threads in as orderly a fashion as possible and calls the C function #_exit.

The short-term plan is to handle each external-process in a dedicated thread; the worst-case behavior of the current scheme can involve busy-waiting and excessive CPU utilization while waiting for an external process to terminate in some cases.

The Cocoa features use more threads. Adding a Cocoa listener creates two threads:

      ? :proc
      3 : -> Listener     [Active]
      2 :    housekeeping  [Active]
      1 :    listener     [Active]
      0 :    Initial      [Active]

The Cocoa event loop has to run in the initial thread; when the event loop starts up, it creates a new thread to do the "housekeeping" tasks which the initial thread would do in the terminal-only mode. The initial thread then becomes the one to receive all Cocoa events from the window server; it's the only thread which can.

It also creates one "Listener" (capital-L) thread for each listener window, with a lifetime that lasts as long as the thread does. So, if you open a second listener, you'll see five threads all together:

      ? :proc
      4 : -> Listener-2   [Active]
      3 :    Listener     [Active]
      2 :    housekeeping  [Active]
      1 :    listener     [Active]
      0 :    Initial      [Active]

Unix signals, such as SIGINT (control-C), invoke a handler installed by the Lisp kernel. Although the OS doesn't make any specific guarantee about which thread will receive the signal, in practice, it seems to be the initial thread. The handler just sets a flag and returns; the housekeeping thread (which may be the initial thread, if Cocoa's not being used) will check for the flag and take whatever action is appropriate to the signal.

In the case of SIGINT, the action is to enter a break loop, by calling on the thread being interrupted. When there's more than one Lisp listener active, it's not always clear what thread that should be, since it really depends on the user's intentions, which there's no way to divine programmatically. To make its best guess, the handler first checks whether the value of ccl:*interactive-abort-process* is a thread, and, if so, uses it. If that fails, it chooses the thread which currently "owns" the default terminal input stream; see .

In the bleeding-edge version of the Cocoa support which is based on Hemlock, an Emacs-like editor, each editor window has a dedicated thread associated with it. When a keypress event comes in which affects that specific window the initial thread sends it to the window's dedicated thread. The dedicated thread is responsible for trying to interpret keypresses as Hemlock commands, applying those commands to the active buffer; it repeats this in a loop, until the window closes. The initial thread handles all other events, such as mouse clicks and drags.

This thread-per-window scheme makes many things simpler, including the process of entering a "recursive command loop" in commands like "Incremental Search Forward", etc. (It might be possible to handle all Hemlock commands in the Cocoa event thread, but these "recursive command loops" would have to maintain a lot of context/state information; threads are a straightforward way of maintaining that information.)

Currently (August 2004), when a dedicated thread needs to alter the contents of the buffer or the selection, it does so by invoking methods in the initial thread, for synchronization purposes, but this is probably overkill and will likely be replaced by a more efficient scheme in the future.

The per-window thread could probably take more responsibility for drawing and handling the screen than it currently does; -something- needs to be done to buffer screen updates a bit better in some cases: you don't need to see everything that happens during something like indentation; you do need to see the results...

When Hemlock is being used, listener windows are editor windows, so in addition to each "Listener" thread, you should also see a thread which handles Hemlock command processing.

The Cocoa runtime may make additional threads in certain special situations; these threads usually don't run lisp code, and rarely if ever run much of it.

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